Application Specific Visibility Tech Innovations Inc.

By PiperCube

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes


In today’s digital landscape, businesses are increasingly adopting multi-cloud strategies to leverage the unique features and capabilities offered by different cloud providers. However, managing resources across multiple clouds presents challenges in terms of gaining visibility into application-specific inventory, costs, and infrastructure performance.

This case study explores how a Tech Innovations Inc., addressed these challenges by implementing application-specific visibility tools in their multi-cloud environment.

Company Overview

Tech Innovations Inc. is a global technology company specializing in developing and delivering innovative software solutions to clients across various industries. With a growing customer base and increasing demand for their services, Tech Innovations expanded its infrastructure to multiple cloud providers, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), to ensure scalability, reliability, and geographic redundancy.


As infrastructure expanded across multiple clouds, they faced several challenges in managing inventory, costs, and infrastructure performance:

  1. Lack of Visibility: They struggled to gain comprehensive visibility into their multi-cloud environment, making it difficult to track application-specific resources, monitor costs, and identify performance bottlenecks.

  2. Cost Management: With limited visibility, they found it challenging to optimize cloud costs, leading to overspending, budget overruns, and inefficient resource allocation.

  3. Performance Monitoring: Without granular visibility into infrastructure performance, they were unable to proactively monitor and address performance issues, resulting in degraded user experience and increased downtime.


To address these challenges, they reached to PiperCube to implement our product that provided application-specific visibility into their multi-cloud environment. The platform offered the following key features:

  1. Unified Dashboard: A unified dashboard that consolidated data from multiple cloud providers, giving real-time visibility into application-specific inventory, costs, and performance metrics across their entire infrastructure.

  2. Cost Optimization: PiperCube’s cost optimization feature analyzed cloud usage patterns, identified cost-saving opportunities, and recommended actions to optimize spending. They could now track their cloud spending in granular detail, allocate costs to specific applications or departments, and set budgets and alerts to prevent overspending.

  3. Performance Monitoring: PiperCube’s performance monitoring capabilities that allowed to monitor infrastructure performance metrics, such as CPU utilization, memory usage, and network latency, in real-time. This enabled them to proactively detect and address performance issues before they impacted end-users.


By leveraging application-specific visibility and optimization features, achieved the following results:

  1. Cost Savings: Reduced cloud spending by 25% by optimizing resource utilization, rightsizing instances, and leveraging reserved instances and spot instances where applicable.

  2. Improved Performance: With enhanced visibility into infrastructure performance, reduced mean time to resolution (MTTR) for performance issues by 40% and improved application uptime and reliability.

  3. Enhanced Efficiency: The unified dashboard and actionable insights provided by the cloud management platform empowered to make informed decisions, streamline resource allocation, and optimize cloud spending based on business priorities.

By prioritizing application-specific visibility and optimization in their multi-cloud environment, Tech Innovations Inc. was able to overcome the challenges of managing costs and performance effectively.

With the right tools and strategies in place, businesses can maximize the benefits of multi-cloud environments while optimizing costs and delivering superior performance to their customers.

Last Updated: 05 Mar 2024

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